What We Believe

Purpose flows through everything- the choices we make, the conversations we have, the investments of our time, money and energy, the partners we choose, the tribes we build and the clients we serve. We move with mindfulness and act with intention, and this is what we believe:

1. Purpose is at the center of intentional leadership, aligned cultures, effective organizations, and well-being.

2. Mindfulness, backed by science and experience, is the path to higher emotional intelligence and peak performance.

3.  Neuroscientists have proven that we can rewire our brain.  Mindfulness leads to self-awareness, which helps us know which parts of our brain to strengthen, and where we need to create new and more effective patterns.

4. The best executive coaches come from deep education and training, years of relevant experience and a commitment to doing their own "inner work" of growth and development.

5. Structure and practice balanced with reflection and awareness is the foundation for breakthrough coaching.

7. Effective learning is experiential, grounded in strategy and current reality, and tied to a developmental commitment.

8. For learning to be sustainable, ongoing practices, routines and habits are essential to reinforce and deepen the learning.

9. The world will not become less volatile, complex or uncertain. We must increase our capacity to be present, see clearly, and innovate.

10. Present, mindful leaders that move with intention and purpose will flourish in today's complex, global economy.


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